IcCube - Get yesterday's Member in MDX Query -

i have date dimension looking [date].[date].[day].[yyyy-mm-dd] , member representing yesterday i.e. [date].[date].[day].[2016-07-27]. how can accomplish this.

in threads mdx, not iccube specific, written this:
1. strtomember("[date].[date].[day].["+ format(now()-1,"yyyy-mm-dd") +"]")
2. strtomember("[date].[date].[day].["+ vbamdx.format(vbamdx.now()-1,"yyyy-mm-dd") +"]")

the first solution throws error stating 'unknown function format' , error in second solution reads '"vbamdx.now()" expecting single parameter "index"'. same goes vbamdx.format if replace vbamdx.now now. pages explaining vbamdx have 2 parameters format , none now...

i guess because excel format not supported (error reporting has been improved in latest version of iccube). instead use functions mentionned in page:

strtomember( "[time].[calendar].[day].&["+ datetostring( now()-1,"yyyy-mm-dd") +"]") 

but in iccube you've lookupbykey function more robust solution if key date :

lookupbykey( [time].[calendar].[day],  now() ) 

or if need date :

lookupbykey( [time].[calendar].[day],  today() ) 

you can navigate dates functions (doc).

hope helps.


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