visual studio - Why is VisualStudio not returning my json -

some javascript code calls url , uses promise function result. specific ionic factory code (from tutorial @ this blog andrew mcgivery) i've inserted blank ionic/cordova app..

.factory('userservice', function ($http) {     return {         getusers: function () {             return $http.get('').then(function (response) {                 return;             });         }     } }); 

unfortunately, code returning 404 when debugging android device and

apphost9623: app couldn’t resolve ms-appx-web://com.ionicframework.ionicblankapp/www/{{item.user.picture.thumbnail}} because of error: data_not_available. 

when debugging in windows emulator. can visit url in external browser , see json results. if ctrl+click url in vs editor, internal browser show 'navigation webpage cancelled' , file download warning dialog appears asking if wish open or save api.json result.

i added csp index.html <head> in hopes problem cordova refusing connection

<meta http-equiv="content-security-policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap: 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *"> 

and turned firewall off. no avail. found related issues seemed concern updating web.config iis, unsure how relate android debugger running in chrome.

i'm new both cordova , ionic, forgive me if real rookie problem.


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