web api - AngularJS - get length of array from a webApi call on first call only -

i trying display text 'showing x of y attractions' x number showing , y total number stored in database.

i can x using {{attractions.length}} - i'm stuck on best way y?

currently obtaining data through service call, doing $http web api controller of data initially, can filtered.

$scope.attractions = dataservice.getallattractions(); 

i like:

$scope.totalattractions = dataservice.getallattractions().length; 

so question best way totalattractions in scenario?

edit, getallattractions dataservice function:

function getallattractions() {          $http.get("/api/v1/attractions")             .then(function (response) {                 // success                 angular.copy(, attractions);             }, function () {                 // failure         });         return attractions;     } 

you trying return undefined attractions getallattractions().

$http.get service asynchronous , returns promise. should return promise instead of attractions.

in current code, i've inserted log display on console.

function getallattractions() {          $http.get("/api/v1/attractions")             .then(function (response) {                 // success                 console.log("success");                 angular.copy(, attractions);             }, function () {                 // failure                 console.log("fail");         });         console.log("returned value");         return attractions;     } 

assuming call webservice successfully, console display:

returned value success 

that because success callback executed after return attractions.

you should instead:


function getallattractions() {          return $http.get("/api/v1/attractions");     } 


dataservice.getallattractions() .then(function (response) {         // success         $scope.attractions =;         $scope.totalattractions = $scope.attractions.length; }, function () {         // failure }); 


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