mysql - Get last modified values for each records from two tables joins? -

i have 2 tables accounts , calls. account table contain account details , call table contain call details date_modified , others account id in parent_id column.

there lots of records , need query fetch accounts last call details (most recent call).

i have tried not able result.

select,, subject  accounts  inner join calls on = calls.parent_id    select c.parent_id     calls c     c.parent_id = calls.parent_id     order c.date_modified desc limit 1 ) 

try query: should work.

select * accounts inner join (     select          c.parent_id         ,         ,c.date_modified     calls c     inner join      (         select              parent_id             ,max(date_modified) call_date         calls          group parent_id     ) cc on cc.parent_id = c.parent_id , cc.call_date = c.date_modified  ) ccc on ccc.parent_id = 


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