php - Symfony2 QueryBuilder return product query in order of ids -

i have list of ids in order:

array(57, 12, 29, 25, 11) 

with symfony`s querybuilder need return these products form database objects, , should returned in specific order.

i need return query, not result.

i trying different approaches:

    public function querysortedproductsincategories($id, $type, $slug, $sort)     {          $qb = $this->createquerybuilder('p');         $qb->addselect(array('p', 'gallery'));         $qb->addselect(array('p', 'media'));         $qb->addselect(array('p', 'image'));         $qb->leftjoin("p." . $type, "c");         $qb->leftjoin('', 'gallery');         $qb->leftjoin('gallery.galleryhasmedias', 'media');         $qb->leftjoin('', 'image');         $qb->where("c." . $type. "= :id ");         $qb->andwhere("p.status = 1 ");         $qb->setparameter('id', $id); //        $qb->andwhere($qb->expr()->in('', $sort)); //        $qb->andwhere(" in (:sort) "); //        $qb->setparameter('sort', $sort);         return $qb->getquery();     } 

i tried in statement.... returns list need, not in correct order.

now starting think not possible that. stackoverflow last chance of figuring out this...


tried create dql function, errors. first time doing , have no idea whats going on...

class field extends \doctrine\orm\query\ast\functions\functionnode {      /**      * @override      */     public function parse(\doctrine\orm\query\parser $parser) {         $parser->match(lexer::t_identifier);         $parser->match(lexer::t_open_parenthesis);         $this->stringprimary = $parser->stringprimary();         $parser->match(lexer::t_comma);         $this->stringsecondary = $parser->stringprimary();         $parser->match(lexer::t_comma);         $this->stringthird = $parser->stringprimary();         $parser->match(lexer::t_close_parenthesis);     }       /**      * @param \doctrine\orm\query\sqlwalker $sqlwalker      *      * @return string      */     public function getsql(\doctrine\orm\query\sqlwalker $sqlwalker)     {         // todo: implement getsql() method.     }  } 

the query:

        $em = $this->getentitymanager();         $doctrineconfig = $em->getconfiguration();         $doctrineconfig->addcustomstringfunction('field', 'mp\shopbundle\doctrine\field');          $qb = $this->createquerybuilder('p');         $qb->addselect(array('p', 'gallery'));         $qb->addselect(array('p', 'media'));         $qb->addselect(array('p', 'image'));         $qb->addselect(array("p, field(, " . implode(", ", $sort) . ") hidden field"));         $qb->leftjoin("p." . $type, "c");         $qb->leftjoin('', 'gallery');         $qb->leftjoin('gallery.galleryhasmedias', 'media');         $qb->leftjoin('', 'image'); //        $qb->where(" = :sort ");         $qb->where("c." . $type. "= :id ");         $qb->andwhere($qb->expr()->in('', $sort));         $qb->andwhere("p.status = 1 ");         $qb->setparameter('id', $id); //        $qb->setparameter('sort', $sort);         $qb->orderby('field');         return $qb->getquery(); 


error: expected statefieldpathexpression | string | inputparameter | functionsreturningstrings | aggregateexpression, got '23' 


[1/2] queryexception: select p, p, gallery, p, media, p, image, p, field(, 23, 40, 30, 24, 42, 37, 38, 58, 33, 8, 34, 35, 36, 28, 51, 14, 1) hidden field mp\shopbundle\entity\product p left join p.subcategory c left join gallery left join gallery.galleryhasmedias media left join image c.subcategory= :id , in(23, 40, 30, 24, 42, 37, 38, 58, 33, 8, 34, 35, 36, 28, 51, 14, 1) , p.status = 1 order field asc 

with mysql, can create dql function able use field :

see other similar question :

doctrine 2 mysql field function in order by


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