buffer overflow - C++ code exploit -

i learning basic buffer overflow issues, can please explain how code can exploited.

char gwelcome [] = "welcome our system! ";  void echo (int fd) {     int len;     char name [64], reply [128];      len = strlen (gwelcome);     memcpy (reply, gwelcome, len); /* copy welcome string reply */      write_to_socket (fd, "type name: "); /* prompt client name */     read (fd, name, 128);                     /* read name socket */      /* copy name reply buffer (starting @ offet len,      * won't overwrite welcome message copied earlier). */     memcpy (reply+len, name, 64);      write (fd, reply, len + 64);     return; }  void server (int socketfd) {     while (1)         echo (socketfd); } 


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