Oozie fs:exists with variables -

i'm struggeling on following problem using variables in oozie workflow definition checking if specific file created. working absolute path following, cannot use absolute path:


in case, namenode , workflow id has replaced in decision node not working. variables not replaced, correct syntax this?

    <decision name="check-hql-file-created">     <switch>         <case to="hive-exec-il2rl-hql4baseentity">             ${fs:exists(${namenode}'/tmp/oozie_tmp/'${wf:id()}'.hql')}         </case>         <default to="il2rl-loop"/>     </switch> </decision> 

it working concatenation following:

        <switch>         <case to="hive-exec-il2rl-hql4baseentity">             ${fs:exists(concat(concat(concat(concat(concat(namenode, '/tmp/oozie_tmp/'), wf:id()), '_'), replaceall(asjson, "\\{\"|,.+$", "")), '.hql')) == "true"}         </case>         <default to="il2rl-loop"/>     </switch> 


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