Reverse reading via regex or grabbing last match with no tail -

i need grab 2 character letter , numbers after that:

what want is:

ab 12 cd-12345-67   -> cd-12345 ab12 cd 12345-67 ->  cd 12345  ab-12cd12345-6 ->  cd12345 abc1234556 -> no match, 2 character letter , numbers after that. abc-1234556 -> no match, 2 character letter , numbers after that. a1-bc-12d345-56 -> no match, after 2 characters letter, numbers must come  

i used regex

 [a-z]{2}[ |\-]?\d+ 

which grabs cd-12345 , ab 12, in first example. need cd-12345. grabs bc1234556,bc-1234556, bc-12 in last 3 example don't want. sometimes, space,no space or - character placed between numbers , letters block.

thank much.

based on posted

^.*(?<![a-z])([a-z]{2}[- ]?\d++)(?![a-z]) 



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