qt - QML: MessageDialog , the ordering of standardButtons and setting default button -

i have in main.qml following code

 messagedialog {     id: exitdialog     title: "quit"     text: "save before quitting?"     icon: standardicon.question     standardbuttons: standardbutton.save| standardbutton.discard |  standardbutton.cancel     onaccepted: {     ...     }     ondiscard: qt.quit() } 

the problem buttons me appear close without saving cancel , last save! default button set close without saving. i want order of buttons in code maintained , default set save. face such problems? suggestions ?

i have seen answer how set default button of messagedialog in qml? how do standardbuttons?

just give idea. http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmessagebox.html

the display order buttons platform-dependent. example, on windows, save displayed left of cancel, whereas on mac os, order reversed.

mark 1 of standard buttons default button.

qmessagebox msgbox; msgbox.settext("the document has been modified."); msgbox.setinformativetext("do want save changes?"); msgbox.setstandardbuttons(qmessagebox::save | qmessagebox::discard | qmessagebox::cancel); msgbox.setdefaultbutton(qmessagebox::save); int ret = msgbox.exec(); 


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