appcelerator - Titanium -- set top/bottom padding on Ti.UI.TextField -

i'm struggling android theme issue text fields. there's padding above/below have set textfields tall in order see text within.

text field tall

in shot, "1" label in box above; green text cursor pointing little black dot -- that's text inside text field (borders added clarity here). field tall can't see text. layout calls these text fields pretty close can't make things taller text field fits. need remove padding.


  <style name="ektheme" parent="@style/theme.appcompat.notitlebar">     <item name="android:windowactionbar">false</item>     <item name="android:windownotitle">true</item>     <item name="windowactionbar">false</item>     <item name="windownotitle">true</item>     <item name="android:edittextstyle">@style/edittextektheme</item>   </style> 


  <style name="edittextektheme" parent="@android:style/widget.edittext">       <item name="android:background">#ffffff</item>       <item name="android:paddingleft">8dp</item>       <item name="android:paddingright">8dp</item>       <item name="android:paddingtop">2dp</item>       <item name="android:paddingbottom">2dp</item>       <!-- tried        <item name="android:padding">2dp</item>       -->   </style> 

styles file:

"#qty":{     height: 35,     left: 0,     hinttext: '',     color: '#000',     font: {         fontsize: 12,         fontweight: 'normal'     },     keyboardtype: ti.ui.keyboard_type_number_pad,     verticalalign: ti.ui.text_vertical_alignment_bottom } 

i know xml theme being applied because without android:background = #fff standard underline in fields. but, padding having no effect. have tried setting android:layout_height again has no effect.

here's shot of different field elsewhere in app (with different styling) shows how tall fields are. green underline shows field has focus.

enter image description here

edit note i'm using sdk


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