email - Javascript event for incoming mail in 'mail-listener2' -

my previous problem running meteor mail-listener2. know how it, wondering, how make meteor react event 'mail' defined in 'mail-listener2'. listener worthless without reacting event.

free running javascript file of whole process in mentioned above post.

the "magic" allows meteor reactive between client , server ddp, , can leverage few ways.

one way have listener write mongodb , have normal flow of pub/sub handle it. basically, create collection represents messages. server publishes , client subscribes said collection. finally, "mail" listener code create document, place in collection, , rest should handled normal flow.

an alternative hack own ddp update publication. without going it, can create pub/sub stream isn't backed collection @ all. gave talk on @ tampa meteor's meetup last july, , examples gave can found here. in particular, if check out code in pubsubdemo2 see create several such publications, 1 of uses fs module node monitor filesystem status , push client. on client-side uses minimongo usual, code there works same way used to.


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