PHP putting four dates in an array from a while loop -

using below while loop, 4 dates in echo, need.

$data = [];  $start = carbon::createfromdate('2016', '04', '01'); $end = carbon::createfromdate('2017', '04', '01');  while($start < $end) {     $data[] = $start;      echo $start;      $start->addmonths('3'); } 


2016-04-01 2016-07-01 2016-10-01 2017-01-01 

but when dump $data[] array, 4 collections, each same date:


what doing wrong? want put above 4 dates in array.

you're assigning object instance ($start) each array entry (and objects "by reference"), , modifying object instance, same object instance being changed wherever.... assign "clone" array

while($start < $end) {     $data[] = clone $start;     echo $start;     $start->addmonths('3'); } 


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