Unable to sync the gradle for firebase in android -

i using firebase sdk in android in getting error unable load class 'com.google.gson.jsonobject'.even have changed jdk 1.7 1.8 didn't works.anyone knows why not synchronized.

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'  android { compilesdkversion 23 buildtoolsversion "23.0.1"  defaultconfig {     applicationid "nidhinkumar.firebaseexample"     minsdkversion 15     targetsdkversion 23     versioncode 1     versionname "1.0" } buildtypes {     release {         minifyenabled false         proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'),   'proguard-rules.pro'     } }   } dependencies { compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:24.0.0-alpha1' compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-core:9.2.1' }   apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services' 


error:unable load class 'com.google.gson.jsonobject'. possible causes unexpected error include:<ul><li>gradle's  dependency cache may corrupt (this occurs after network connection timeout.)   <a href="syncproject">  re-download dependencies , sync project (requires network)</a></li><li>the state of gradle build process (daemon) may corrupt. stopping gradle daemons may solve problem.<a href="stopgradledaemons">stop gradle build processes (requires restart)</a></li></ul>in case of corrupt gradle processes, can try closing ide , killing java processes. 

enter image description here have gone through same problem after updating repository work update tick marked file latest work


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