angularjs - Uncaught Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting angular ng-repete infinite loop -

template code

 <ion-item ng-repeat="itemlist in itemlists" href="#/app/itemdetail/{{itemlist.itemnum}}">       <h2 class="title">  {{itemlist.itemnum}} </h2>         <h4 class="title">  {{itemlist.itemdes}} </h4>           <h4 class="title">  {{itemlist.binnum}} </h4>   </ion-item> 

controller code

datafactory.getitemdetails(categoryid).then(function (data_) {             $scope.itemlists =  data_.rows;     $ionicloading.hide();   }, function (error) {     console.log('error getting data' + error);     $ionicloading.hide();   });**strong text** 

first time posting question here.i not able identify what's wrong here ng-repeate going in infinite loop.


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