authentication - SLO with SAML 2.0 (SP initiated SLO or IDP initiated SLO), which one is good to have in service provider -

we created application (sp), have option login via sso(single sign on) using third party application (any idp). used saml 2.0 complaint sso(single sign on).

question :

  1. which 1 have in application (sp initiated slo or idp initiated slo)?
  2. how many application using sp initiated slo , idp initiated slo? (1 or 2 application(sp) name each integrated third party app)

  3. how creating both , keeping slo optional idp?

can me

there no requirement provide slo. many large service providers not (google apps , salesforce, example).

if you're going provide it, it's opinion should support both, not require of sp (make option within sp). enterprise implementations (pingfederate, oam, siteminder, etc.) aware of support both, not require either, on both sp , idp sides.


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