c# - Upload image to Skype BOT -

i have bot develop microsoft bot framework, , in debug run correctly

after install on skype, after upload image have link this


the code , run without skype

if ((activity.attachments != null) && (activity.attachments.count > 0)) {        analysisresult = await analyzeurl(activity.attachments[0].contenturl);  } ........ 

how find picture sent?

according this comment, fetch attachment, request should contain jwttoken of bot authorization header:

var attachment = activity.attachments?.firstordefault(); if (attachment?.contenturl != null) {     using (var connectorclient = new connectorclient(new uri(activity.serviceurl)))     {         var token = await (connectorclient.credentials microsoftappcredentials).gettokenasync();         var uri = new uri(attachment.contenturl);         using (var httpclient = new httpclient())         {             if (uri.host.endswith("skype.com") && uri.scheme == uri.urischemehttps)             {                 httpclient.defaultrequestheaders.authorization = new authenticationheadervalue("bearer", token);                 httpclient.defaultrequestheaders.accept.add(new mediatypewithqualityheadervalue("application/octet-stream"));             }             else             {                 httpclient.defaultrequestheaders.accept.add(new mediatypewithqualityheadervalue(attachment.contenttype));             }              var attachmentdata = await httpclient.getbytearrayasync(uri);             analysisresult = await analyzeurl(attachmentdata);         }     }     } 

that means have change analyzeurl accept image data instead of url. believe cognitiveservices, using, able accept image data.


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