ProGuard for Android and Retrofit2 Converter Gson? -

i using proguard in project giving wrong data in new gson().tojson(request);

i getting out put


instead of


my proguard rule

-dontwarn okio.** -dontwarn retrofit2.platform$java8 -dontwarn sun.misc.unsafe -dontwarn org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.domimplementationregistry -dontwarn retrofit2.** -keep class retrofit2.** { *; } -keepattributes signature -keepattributes exceptions -keepclassmembers class rx.internal.util.unsafe.** {     long producerindex;     long consumerindex; }  -keepclasseswithmembers class * {     @retrofit2.http.* <methods>; } -keep class** { *; } -keep class** { *; } 

and using

 compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.0.0' 

is there new recommended proguard configuration retrofit2:converter-gson in android?

you either want keep class using gson or use @serializedname annotation.

option 1 (keep class)

 // classes in package -keep class** { *; } // or specific class -keep class { *; } 

option 2 (use @serializedname):

 public class yourjsonclass{    @serializedname("name") string username;     public myclass(string username) {      this.username = username;    }  } 

with second option proguard still obfuscates class , field names gosn can use annotation correct name each field


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