python 2.7 - How do recipe clippers/recipe scrappers/ recipe copier works on many web sites? -

i working in python- asking question out of curiosity , requirement. have requirement create recipe copier/scrapper can work on 20-25 website. know scraping website using beautifulsoup module of python 2.7 , helps in scraping data when know structure of website.

but there plenty of meal/recipe websites provide recipe clipper/copier , work per

and many more. provide option import recipe other websites. have created custom scrapper work on of websites or there wonderfull api exist using?

i have found 1 such custom scrapper: recipe scraper

but built in python 3 , not support python 2 not useful me when went through code came know using beautiful soup , wrote custom code scrap content major recipe websites.

can me understand howcome sites listed , many more creating recipe clippers??


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