html - Bootstrap markdown not working -

hey guys trying use this: . using ionic framework , working on single page web application. includes in header of index.html:

<!-- jquery --> <script src="" integrity="sha256-bbhdlvqf/xty9gja0dq3hiwqf8lacrtxxzkrutelt44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!-- jquery animated scrolling plugin --> <script src="//"></script> <!-- markdown -->   <link href="css/bootstrap-markdown.min.css" rel="stylesheet">      <!-- bootstrap --> <script src="" integrity="sha384-0msbjdehialfmubbqp6a4qrprq5ovfw37prr3j5elqxss1yvqotnepnhvp9aj7xs" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <link href="" rel="stylesheet">  <script src="js/vendor/markdown.js"></script> <script src="js/vendor/bootstrap-markdown.js"></script>      <script src="js/vendor/he.js"></script> <script src="js/vendor/to-markdown.js"></script> 

currently, running example website:

<form> <input name="title" type="text" placeholder="title?" /> <textarea name="content" data-provide="markdown" rows="10"></textarea> <label class="checkbox">   <input name="publish" type="checkbox"> publish </label> <hr/> <button type="submit" class="btn">submit</button> 

unfortunately, outcome nothing example. see blank form not close expected output. have tried includes(first 4 lines) example: . however, still having no luck. can has experience bootstrap plugin me out?

this see: enter image description here

please check below snippet. working me,
submit button may not work here because of permission issue. ,
added style show checkbox properly.

.checkbox {    margin-left: 20px;  }
<script src=""></script>    <script src=""></script>      <script src=""></script>    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-bvyiisifek1dgmjrakycuhahrg32omucww7on3rydg4va+pmstsz/k68vbdejh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">    <form>    <input name="title" type="text" placeholder="title?" class="form-control" />    <textarea name="content" data-provide="markdown" rows="10"></textarea>    <label class="checkbox">      <input name="publish" type="checkbox">publish    </label>    <hr/>    <button type="submit" class="btn">submit</button>    </form


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