installing android studio on ubuntu -

everybody, android developer, using ubuntu 14.04 lts. because of hardware problem, have format pc. before android studio , sdk , java working perfectly.

after formatting pc. installed jdk1.8.0_71. after extract android studio deb file command sudo dpkg -i android-studio_4.13.0-ubuntu0_all.deb
, 'android-studio' folder extracted @ /opt directory.

after that, try run /opt/android-studio/bin/ command.

sh ./ , gives me error error picture

i have tried ./ execute same error. please solve.

to install oracle java on ubuntu, this:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer 

i every time install android studio , works flawlessly. , java 8 kept date, too. environment variables automatically set procedure.


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