java - Memory Allocation Eclipse NDK Netbeans ImageProcessing -

my problem picturized.

hi all. i'm new stackoverflow. want ask guys intern project.

i coded functions in c++, , want design gui java in netbeans. communicate each other via ndk.

it's imageviewer, , i'm able crop, rotate, paint, resize in c++ code. they're real-time operations, image done @ c++ transferred java platform. when gui , running, have memory allocation problem. since both c++ , java libraries hold copy of image in memory.

is there kind of way eliminate problem? thought saving/reloading/flushing each time, when file size large, means long wait times in between operations.

i might not spesific, can ask me parts couldnt explain well. i'm looking forward getting can.

edit: have google "heap size" , found out helps increasing memory allocated java application. real concern creating same image in both language memories.

can way 1 stores image itself, , other pointer? know java language can't deep till ram allocation, need do?

thank you! bs

try increasing heap size using run configuration.

on eclipse menu, clicks run -> run configurations.., select java application want run, clicks on arguments tab, update vm arguments following options




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