plot - plotting histograms in pandas -

i looking plot sets of data each 10 points in them in overlapping bins.

 values1 = [29, 31, 24, 30, 30, 14, 25, 35, 27, 31]  values2 = [36, 29, 29, 29, 34, 33, 27, 34, 36, 39] 

when add them dataframe come out 2 columns. looking plot 2 rows each 10 overlapping columns.

df1 = pd.dataframe(values1, values2) 

and subsequently when plot them using histograms not come out correctly

  df1.plot.hist(stacked = true) 

so aim pairwise comparison between each of numbers in arrays. 29 - 36 , 31 - 29 , 24 - 29 etc.

i plot them overlap example have values instead of 3 in example.

you can pass them values dict:

values1 = [29, 31, 24, 30, 30, 14, 25, 35, 27, 31] values2 = [36, 29, 29, 29, 34, 33, 27, 34, 36, 39] df1 = pd.dataframe({'values1':values1, 'values2':values2}) df1.plot.hist(stacked = true) 

enter image description here

what did caused ctor interpret passed values single column of data , index values:

pandas.dataframe(data=none, index=none, columns=none, dtype=none, copy=false) 

compare difference:

in [166]: pd.dataframe(values1, values2)  out[166]:      0 36  29 29  31 29  24 29  30 34  30 33  14 27  25 34  35 36  27 39  31  in [167]: pd.dataframe({'values1':values1, 'values2':values2})  out[167]:    values1  values2 0       29       36 1       31       29 2       24       29 3       30       29 4       30       34 5       14       33 6       25       27 7       35       34 8       27       36 9       31       39 


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