xamarin.forms - How to handle Orientation (Landscape or Portrait ) in ListView using Xamarin Forms -

i using itemtemplate ( viewcell ). got know orientation article in xamarin documentation there no point handling listview orientation.

hope answer

screen shots http://i.stack.imgur.com/lkmvc.png http://i.stack.imgur.com/5prjj.png

as can see screenshots, not orientation problem, listview full width in both cases, quite possibly wrong layout options. can show item template definition?

you using grid inside viewcell?
in case, first make sure grid's horizontal options set fillandexpand, check grid column size definition.
can show grid's column size definitions?

if have fixed sizes assigned, size, no matter how unsued space there is.
there 2 ways make them use more space.

if possible, should use "star" sizes. give columns sizes portions of available space. if give first column size 1*
, second column size 1*
both take half of available width.

you can use other numbers select portions, such 3 columns sizes 5* 3* 1*
make first column 5 times big third, , second column 3 times big third.
again, in total, take entire available width.

the second column sizing option use "auto" sized columns, size columns according elements inside them. whatever size largest element inside column (in of rows) takes, size column have.
take whole screen width in case, @ least 1 of columns content should have "andexpand" on it's horizontal options.
easier automatically size columns , take care of populating them content, wary approach slower.

finally, if experience performance issues, consider implementing viewcell absolutelayout. can bit more pain set up, should work faster grid if have bunch of rows inside list view , bunch of data in each row.


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