android - How to link cordova app to app store? -

how can create link button in cordova app, redirecting app on ios/android/amazon app store depending on device.

i have tried following code, gets in ios if clause, doesn't redirect me, neither gives error:

                            if(window.cordova && window.device) {                             if (device.platform.touppercase() === 'ios') {                       "[obfuscated]");                             } else if (device.platform.touppercase() === 'android') {                       "[obfuscated]");                             } else {                       "[obfuscated]");                             }                         } 

i figured out:

ios: itms-apps://[appid] android: market://details?id=[apppackageid] amazon: amzn://apps/android?p=[apppackageid] 


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