android - What is difference between File Based Encryption(FBE) and Full Disk Encryption(FDE) -

from android n, new feature fbe (file based encryption) introduced. how different fde (full disk encryption).

how can verify whether android device has fbe?

different encrypting full disk, file based encryption can encrypt each file via different keys. noticeable usage different user profile using different keys. previously, different users share same disk encryption key.

ok, user/developer visible change have so-called direct boot feature. after rebooting, user has unlock entire disk (same password primary user), on black screen password input, , unlock own profile (mostly primary user). now, can reboot directly user profile unlock. no black screen unlocking more. developer, can run app in user0 space doesn't require user's profile unlocked. means app can run before user input password , swipe unlock.

more info can found android official doc


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