c# - Create Json Object (trying) -

so have object want send in json format (model)

 function serachclient() {          var tempfirstname = $("#firstname").val();         var templastname = $("#lastname").val();         var tempmobile = $("#mobile").val();         var tempaccountid = $("#accountid").val();         var temppin = "1234";         var model = { lastname: templastname, firstname: tempfirstname, mobile: tempmobile, accountid: tempaccountid, pin: temppin }         $.ajax({             url: "/home/searchclient/",             type: 'get',             data: { model: json.stringify(model) },             cache: false,             crossdomain: true,             async: true,             datatype: 'json',             success: function (data) {              },             error: function (event) {              },             headers: {                 'access-control-allow-origin': '*'             },         }).done(function () {          });     } 

however on asp.net mvc controller sees

public jsonresult searchclient(string model) { } model=%7b%22lastname%22%3a%22smith%22%2c%22firstname%22%3a%22john%22%2c%22mobile%22%3a%2278121212166%22%2c%22accountid%22%3a%224e82dbfe-2b7f-472c-b66c-0707b1d66ba2%22%2c%22pin%22%3a%221234%22%7d&_=1469706173642 

any ideas on why not formatting correctly?

the method converts characters url encoded characters. (see: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp)

could try using post in stead of get? (get limited in size)


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