Drupal 8: Multistep ajaxified form in a modal window -

task description:

i need open modal window url location hash i.e.

www.example.com#overlay=my-multistep-form (pretty same d7 overlay module does). window should contain multi-step ajaxified form,

so use

drupal.behaviors.rf_overlay = {     attach: function(context, settings) {         // overlay url         if (location.hash.indexof('#overlay') >= 0) {             var event = { data: {} };             // special route multistep forms             if (location.hash.indexof('#overlay=become-a-sales-partner') >= 0) {                 event.data.url = '/overlay/partner-form';                 openmultistepformmodal(event);             }         }          function openmultistepformmodal(event) {             drupal.ajax({                 url: event.data.url,                 success: function(response) {                     var content = '';                     (var in response) {                         if (response[i].data != undefined) {                             content += response[i].data;                         }                     }                     $('.modal-body').empty();                     var $overlaycontent = $('<div>' + content + '</div>').appendto('.modal-body');                     drupal.dialog($overlaycontent, {});                     $("#drupal-modal").addclass('overlay-' + event.data.url).modal();                 }             }).execute();         }      } }; 

i have form controller @ /overlay/partner-form route, returns form array according specified step

public function buildform(array $form, formstateinterface $form_state, array $options = array()) {   $step = in_array($form_state->get('step'), array(1, 2)) ? $form_state->get('step') : 1;   $form_state->set('step', $step);    switch ($step) {     case 1:       return $this->steponeperson($form, $form_state);     case 2:       return $this->steptwocompany($form, $form_state);   } } 

when submit form doesn't load step 2 form after ajax call.

my question is: there code example or tutorial on topic? i'm doing wrong?


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