jquery - PHP get real time date without page reload -

i have code gets server date , time in php works well. need work time rather on page load...

code below:

<?php if(date('w') !== 0) {   if((current_time('hi')<1800 && current_time('hi')>=1400) || (current_time('hi')<1300 && current_time('hi')>=700)) {     echo 'we open';   }   else {     echo 'we closed';   } } else if(intval(current_time('hi'))<1230 && current_time('hi')>=700) {   echo 'we open'; } else {   echo 'we closed'; } ?>     <p>we close @ <strong>  <?php if (date('l') != "sunday") {     echo '18:00'; } else if (date('l') == "sunday") {     echo '12:30'; } ?>  </strong> today</p> 

is possible make work poll server / work after page loads - example, if on monday page loaded @ 17:58 , user views page 3 minutes, code should change sign showing open closed without need page refresh.

will need abandon route , use jquery instead?

appreciate insight.


you need create new php file in server return current time , using ajax need make xhr request php file have created in server


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