objective c - Can I get video clip/edit function as iOS Photos app? -

like picture uploaded, have app want use same function photos app provided.

it should have these:

  1. edit saved video, resize area,such cut top half of it's view.

  2. drag resize new time interval video, such 30 second video ,clip 16 second.

thanks lot!

screen shot

just try this

if uiimagepickercontroller.issourcetypeavailable(uiimagepickercontrollersourcetype.photolibrary)    {       let imagepicker = uiimagepickercontroller()       imagepicker.delegate = self       imagepicker.sourcetype = .photolibrary       imagepicker.mediatypes = [kuttypemovie string]       imagepicker.videomaximumduration = 300       imagepicker.videoquality = .type640x480       imagepicker.allowsediting = true       presentviewcontroller(imagepicker, animated: true, completion: nil)    } 


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