android pre dex errors in Android Studio -

i try open project developed sometime ago android studio , try rebuild , whole load android pre dex errors totally stuck how rid of them. tried lot of stuff such changing android api level, cleaning, change jdk version.. doesn't work.

any experts out there can enlighten me cause of these errors.?

android pre dex errors screenshot

step 1: add multidex enabled in default config

defaultconfig {     applicationid "your package name"     minsdkversion 16     targetsdkversion 23     versioncode 5     versionname '1.0.5'     multidexenabled true } 

step 2 : add library in dependencies

    compile '' 

step 3 : add line in myapplication extends application java class


step 4: don't forgot call myapplication class in application tag of manifest file. this


after 4 steps clean project , run application. surely helps you!

happy coding!


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