java - Format loss when converting docx to pdf using docx4j-3.2.1 -

i need convert docx pdf , using docx4j-3.2.1 library it. there format loss in generated pdf output.

my input docx fileenter image description here

and output pdf enter image description here

as can seen there 2 notable issues. 1 size/dimension of image in header reduced in generated pdf. not cover full header area there in input.

second font size seem have changed(or perhaps font changed)

how can retain dimension of original image on header in generated pdf. there methods can used fine tune conversion of docx pdf.

any appreciated.

ps : header image taken google image search header demonstration.

docx4j v3.2.1 provides "cheap , cheerful" docx pdf output via xsl fo.

if not enough you, have 3 options:

  1. enhance want
  2. use plutext's commercial pdf converter, has own page layout model, designed closely mimic word's,
  3. use other product, perhaps libreoffice + jod converter


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