Maya Python: Accessing outer function variable from inner function -

i want write ui window using python, following code, function running correctly, there problem, when choose item in textscrolllist, should call inner function 'update()' , highlight corresponding object in scene. however, object cannot chosen correctly , shows error message this:

"object 'alertwindow|formlayout164|textscrolllist27' not found."

i think happens because inner function update() cannot access variable tsl in outer function, know how can revise code?

def alertwindow():     if(cmds.window('mainwindow', q =true, exists = true,)):         cmds.deleteui('mainwindow')     ui = cmds.window('mainwindow', title = 'alert!', maximizebutton = false,   minimizebutton = false, resizetofitchildren = true, widthheight = (250, 300), sizeable = false)     myform=cmds.formlayout(  )      txt = cmds.text(label = 'please check following objects :')     tsl = cmds.textscrolllist(width = 200, height = 200, enable = true, allowmultiselection = true, selectcommand = 'update()')       count = len(obj)     in range(count):         cmds.textscrolllist(tsl, edit=true, append = obj[i])      delete = cmds.button(label = 'delete', width = 100, command = 'remove()')     clz = cmds.button(label = 'close', width = 100, command = 'cmds.deleteui("mainwindow")')      cmds.formlayout(myform, edit = true, attachform = [(txt, 'top', 20),(txt, 'left', 65),(tsl, 'left', 25),(tsl, 'top', 50),(delete,'bottom',10),(delete,'left',15),(clz,'bottom',10),(clz,'right',20)])     cmds.showwindow(ui)      def update():, q=true, selectitem = true))      def remove():         cmds.deletehistory()         cmds.textscrolllist(tsl, edit=true, removeitem = 

you need define inner functions first, reference them, no need use string command= :

def alertwindow(obj):     def update():, q=true, selectitem = true))      def remove():         cmds.deletehistory()         cmds.textscrolllist(tsl, edit=true, removeitem =      if(cmds.window('mainwindow', q =true, exists = true,)):         cmds.deleteui('mainwindow')     ui = cmds.window('mainwindow', title = 'alert!', maximizebutton = false,   minimizebutton = false, resizetofitchildren = true, widthheight = (250, 300), sizeable = false)     myform=cmds.formlayout(  )      txt = cmds.text(label = 'please check following objects :')     tsl = cmds.textscrolllist(width = 200, height = 200, enable = true, allowmultiselection = true, selectcommand = update)       count = len(obj)     in range(count):         cmds.textscrolllist(tsl, edit=true, append = obj[i])      delete = cmds.button(label = 'delete', width = 100, command = remove)     clz = cmds.button(label = 'close', width = 100, command = 'cmds.deleteui("mainwindow")')      cmds.formlayout(myform, edit = true, attachform = [(txt, 'top', 20),(txt, 'left', 65),(tsl, 'left', 25),(tsl, 'top', 50),(delete,'bottom',10),(delete,'left',15),(clz,'bottom',10),(clz,'right',20)])     cmds.showwindow(ui)     cmds.polycube() alertwindow(['pcube1']) 

you use class keep state of things.


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