Product images in Magento not displayed in frontend -

i've uploaded images 1 of magento products in backend, not displayed in frontend.

i'm analysing mysql tables:

select * catalog_product_entity entity_id=10; select * catalog_product_entity_media_gallery entity_id = 10; select * catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value value_id in (46,47,48); 

and guess displayed image here:

select thumbnail, small_image, small_image_label, thumbnail_label  catalog_product_flat_1  entity_id = 10; 

but when selecting other image , saving changes in backend, values in table don't change...

my cache disabled, permissions ok in /media folder... cannot understand why image not displayed...

make sure images not saved on store level. switch store view , see if images saved on store level. remove store level values making "use default value" checkboxes checked , save product.


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