VSTS NuGet Packager error: "Path cannot be null." -

while moving vsts online builds, i'm running following error during nuget packager step in package artifacts nuget package based on nuspec file in project.

2016-07-28t04:24:41.7652305z ##[error]path cannot null. 2016-07-28t04:24:41.7652305z ##[error]parameter name: path 

my nuget packager step's path variable looks this:


i checked in nuget.exe 3.4.4 solution in .nuget folder along nuget.config. then, in advanced settings, specified nuget.exe used entering following path "path nuget.exe"


this didn't seem help.

prior this, other steps working correctly , projects compiling without issues.

also, when run nuget.exe pack command locally these .nuspec files, packages created successfully.

any input appreciated. thank you.

after frustration , endless hours, have found solution.

just update nuget packager step's path:


note last ';' character has been removed. if character present, nuget packager template expecting additional string after this, in case blank.

all of sudden error description makes complete sense.


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