java - push notification has been successfully forwarded to apns but iphone does not receive any notification -

push notification getting forwarded com.notnoop.apns api succesfully not forward notification iphone.initially working fine , able receive notification same code stopped working. kindly suggest me if u have idea

my code :

if (!p12file.equals(null) && !password.equals(null)) {     try {         classloader classloader = getclass().getclassloader();         file file = new file(classloader.getresource(p12file).getfile());         if (file.exists()) {             if (pushnotification.getpushservice().equals("apns")) {                 apnsservice service = null;                 if (pushnotification.getp12file().equals("dev")) {                     service = apns.newservice().withcert(file.getabsolutepath(), password).withsandboxdestination().build();                 } else if (pushnotification.getp12file().equals("dis")) {                     service = apns.newservice().withcert(file.getabsolutepath(), password).withproductiondestination().build();                 }                 deleteinactivedevices(service);                 string payload = apns.newpayload().alertbody(pushnotification.getmessage()).alerttitle(pushnotification.gettitlealert()).                 sound("default").customfield("secret", "what think?").build();                 string token = pushnotification.getdevicetoken();                 //  system.out.println(service.hashcode());                 service.testconnection();                  apnsnotification ser = service.push(token, payload);                  system.out.println(ser);             } else if (pushnotification.getpushservice().equals("gcm")) {                 system.out.println("gcm not implemented");             }             message = "successfully send push notification message";         }     } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         message = "cannot send push notification message";     } } 


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