linux - Get a radius of a circle in bash shell -

i need write script find radius of circle , find area while circumference given

#!/bin/bash echo -n "enter circumference: " read circ  pi=3.14 let rad=$(($circ/((2*$pi )) ))  let  area=$pi * $rad * $rad echo "the area of circle is: "$area"" 

the formula is: radius=circumference/(2 * pi) problem cant make formula work because bash doesn't accept decimal division read lot of answers there still can't want

i have like

let rad=$(($circ/((2*$pi )) ))  

was trying lot of different variants,used bc -l still can't right , there mistakes

echo -n "enter circumference: " read circ pi=3.14 rad=`bc -l <<< "$circ/(2*$pi)"` echo $rad area=`bc  -l <<< "$pi*$rad*$rad"` echo "the area of circle is: "$area"" 


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