android - Overriding ImageView minHeight dynamically -

i have imageview populated url. when image comes in scale using "centerinside" policy, nice , adjust imageview bounds using "adjustviewbounds".

before download image don't know would-be size of imageview. however, need display placeholder of reasonable size. put in "minheight=150dp" color background.

   <imageview                     android:id="@+id/leadimageview"                     android:layout_width="match_parent"                     android:layout_height="wrap_content"                     android:minheight="150dp"                     android:background="@color/color_primary"                     android:adjustviewbounds="true"                     android:scaletype="centerinside" /> 

now, has consequence if downloaded image smaller 150 dp imageview still occupy 150dp, don't want.

so have tried build derived imageview class overrides minheight if drawable present, this:

class someimageview extends imageview {     protected int getsuggestedminimumheight() {         if (getdrawable() != null)             return 0;         return super.getsuggestedminimumheight();     } } 

i did in different variations, seems getdrawable() null when in place in imagevew. without diving internal machinery of imageview hard guess why it's so.

maybe suggest approach or workaround override minheight 0 when drawable set on imageview.

you should able alter minheight attribute programmatically within code, once know actual image dimensions. imageview inherits method setminimumheight(int) view class.

android docs - view


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