java - Installing PyDev onto Eclipse issue -

so trying pydev working on eclipse. running eclipse version 4.5.2. trying install pydev version 5.1.2.

i have looked on multiple forums , have tried doing people have been saying try. problem encountering, when install pydev, seems work, can't find anywhere in preferences, meaning cant use pydev. still says installed, under installed category of eclipse market place.

i think problem has version of java running. in java installed jres says have both java 8 jdk , jre7. default set jdk8. understand version of java need run version of pydev java 8, should fine that. have seen others post go help>about>installation details> configuration. , when says:

-vm c:/program files/java/jre7/bin\server\jvm.dll

which assume mean using jre7.... dont understand how. feel main problem experiencing, dont know sure, , if problem, dont know how fix it. thank in advance help.

when edited eclipse.ini file, looks like:












c:\program files\java\jre8\lib\ext






the installed jres entries show jres eclipse use run programs. not tell jre used run eclipse itself.

eclipse uses default java on system unless specify otherwise in eclipse.ini file in eclipse install directory.

in eclipse.ini specify:

-vm c:/program files/java/jre8/bin 

(or whatever path java 8 is).

this entry must on 2 lines shown , must before -vmargs line in file.


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