pdf - Print on envelopes using Ghostscript with VB.NET Windows Form Application -
i need print 2 page pdf. 1st page needs envelope , 2nd page need print regular piece of paper normal. can in 2 separate pdf's question is: how can set printer use envelope using ghostscript? has ever done this? couldnt find exact parameter needed in order accomplish this. have tried several different things , still prints regular sheet of paper , wont use envelope tray holds envelopes. looks need change mediatype not know parameter that. ideas? suggestions on how accomplish using vb.net/c#? heres code have without parameters dealing envelopes. envelope size 9.5 x 4.15 inches. standard envelope. have tried setting -spapersize=c6 in hopes close enough trigger envelope tray still no luck.
dim psinfo new processstartinfo() psinfo.arguments = string.format(" -dprinted -dnocancel=true -dbatch -dnopause -dnosafer -noquery -all -dnumcopies=1 -sdevice=mswinpr2 -soutputfile=""%printer%{0}"" ""{1}""", printername, pdffilename) psinfo.filename = "c:\program files\gs\gs9.15\bin\gswin64c.exe" psinfo.redirectstandarderror = true psinfo.redirectstandardoutput = true psinfo.useshellexecute = false dim p system.diagnostics.process = system.diagnostics.process.start(psinfo) dim s string = p.standarderror.readtoend & p.standardoutput.readtoend 'system.threading.thread.sleep(15000) p.waitforexit(15000) if p.hasexited = false p.kill() end if
when using mswinpr2 device, of ghostscript command line more or less unrelated physical printer. various command line options affect behaviour of ghostscript postscript interpreter, device-specific parameters affect device.
the mswinpr2 device not alter tray/media selection of device (unless set query user print properties on each print). uses printer defaults instead.
in order print on envelope media, need set printer default setting envelope.
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