Angular 2, Webpack Uncaught ReferenceError: vendor... is not defined when add an external lib -

when add library (in case jplayer) got error

external "vendor_d73928c…":1 uncaught referenceerror: vendor_d73928c989153b363873 not defined

at line module.exports = vendor_d73928c989153b363873 in file webpack:///external "vendor_d73928c989153b363873"

here code (which add vendor jplayer).

entry: {     vendor: [         'bootstrap',         'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css',         'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css',         'style-loader',         'jquery',         '@angular/common',         '@angular/compiler',         '@angular/core',         '@angular/http',         '@angular/platform-browser',         '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic',         '@angular/router',         '@angular/platform-server',         'angular2-google-maps/core',         'jplayer'     ] }, 

do missing something?

i found solution. exit visual studio, run webpack --config webpack.config.vendor.js webpack in cmd, in project folder. after that, open visual studio again


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