Cookie not saving in Web view in Xamarin(Android) -
i creating android application in xamarin. using web view display website. after user login website create cookie , should store in web view. there 2 web view in app, 1 web view displaying pages , if there text box in page page opened in second web view.
so when user tries login, second web view opened(as login page contains text box), after user enter details , click next button, second view closed , next page opened in first web view. after login cookie created , stored in web view , when user open app next time doesn't asks login. should happen.
the problem is, if user enter details , after clicks next button(next page loading in first web view) , quits application start app again cookies not exists , app asks login again.
after login reading cookie value on page finish event of webview , displaying in toast. if quits app after login, gets cookie value in toast when starts app again cookie doesn't exists anymore , asks me login again
public override void onpagefinished (webview view, string url) { try { if (view.url == urls.url_index) { var cookiemanager = cookiemanager.instance; if (cookiemanager != null) { //getcookie string url string cookie = cookiemanager.getcookie (view.url); if (!string.isnullorempty (cookie)) { string[] cookies = cookie.split (';'); foreach (var newcookie in cookies) { if (newcookie.trim().startswith (constants.cookie_name)) { string cookievalue = newcookie.substring (newcookie.indexof ('=')); toast.maketext(activity,cookievalue,toastlength.short).show(); } } } } } } catch (exception ex) { console.writeline ("exception in storing cookie in home activity : "+ex.message); toast.maketext (activity, "exception : " + ex.message,toastlength.long).show(); } }
i don't know why happening, please help.
the cookies stored in ram best performance , synced every 5 minutes permanent storage. you'll need manually force cookiesyncmanager
sync cookies in onpagefinished
method they're still available when start application again. refer cookiesyncmanager documentation more details.
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