java - Inserting date from JDateChooser to Oracle DB -

i having trouble inserting date jdatechooser oracle db. below action event in class staffdisplay.

`public void savebuttonpressed(actionevent e){          try{             int result = staff.addstaff(                     firstnametextfield.gettext(),                     lastnametextfield.gettext(),                     dateofbirthdatechooser.getdate(),                     departmenttextfield.gettext(),                     double.parsedouble(salarytextfield.gettext()),                     startdatedatechooser.getdate(),                     boolean.parseboolean(fulltimetextfield.gettext()));              if(result == 1){//it worked                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this,"staff member added successfully");             }else{//didn't work                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(this, "error occured - staff member not added");             }` 

this prepared statement in different class.

 `public class staffqueries { private static final string url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe"; private static final string username = "xxx"; private static final string password = "xxx";  private connection con;  private preparedstatement insert = null;   public staffqueries() {      try{         class.forname("oracle.jdbc.driver.oracledriver");         con = drivermanager.getconnection(url,username,password);         system.out.println("drivers loaded , connection made");          insert = con.preparestatement("insert staff " + "(staffid, firstname, lastname, dateofbirth, department, salary, startdate, fulltime)"                 + "values(colmstaffsequence.nextval,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");      }catch(sqlexception e){         system.out.println("something went wrong database");         e.printstacktrace();         system.exit(1);      }catch(exception e){         system.out.println("something went wrong when loading drivers");         e.printstacktrace();         system.exit(2);      } }   public int addstaff(string fn, string ln, date dob, string d, double sal, date sd, boolean ft){          int results = 0;          try{             //fill in missing parameters prepared insert statement             insert.setstring(1, fn);             insert.setstring(2, ln);             insert.setdate(3, dob);             insert.setstring(4, d);             insert.setdouble(5, sal);             insert.setdate(6, sd);             insert.setboolean(7, ft);              //execute prepared insert statement             results = insert.executeupdate();         } catch (sqlexception e){             e.printstacktrace();             close();         }         return results;     }` 

there error message says

   `exception in thread "awt-eventqueue-0" java.lang.error: unresolved compilation problem:  method addstaff(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,, java.lang.string, double,, boolean) in type staffqueries not applicable arguments (java.lang.string, java.lang.string,, java.lang.string, double,, boolean)` 

so think date insertedd jdatechooser entered , need if problem? if how convert thanks.

you can use new milis) , getting milliseconds selected date using startdatedatechooser.getdate().gettime()


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