opencv - cv::imread doesn't work using release x64 (c++, visual studio 2013) -

i'm trying use opencv in microsoft visual studio project. code following one:

cv::mat irgb; irgb = cv::imread("c:\\pierre\\prog\\toolboxes\\libim\\tests_unitaires_cpp\\ressources\\mandrill.jpg"); if ({     cv::mat igray;     cv::cvtcolor(irgb, igray, cv::color_bgr2gray);     cv::imshow("image originale", igray);     cv::waitkey(); } else{     std::cout << "l'image n'a pas été chargée" << std::endl; } 

i have set include path: properties-> c/c++ -> $(opencv)\include

and also, lib path:

properties -> linker -> $(opencv)\x64\vc12\lib

properties ->input -> additional dependencies -> {opencv_calib3d249.lib opencv_contrib249.lib opencv_core249.lib, ... }

the compilation indicates 0 errors , 0 warnings when run program imread doesn't work , image empty. hoewever followings messages present in console :

'project1.exe' (win32): loaded 'c:\windows\system32\msvfw32.dll'. cannot find or open pdb file. 'project1.exe' (win32): loaded 'c:\windows\system32\avifil32.dll'. cannot find or open pdb file. 'project1.exe' (win32): loaded 'c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll'. cannot find or open pdb file. ...

when set project in x86 , release mode work perfectly.

i have seen lot of related topics author did mistake linking debug, x64 version release, x86 mode or vice versa.

if have ideas or solutions problem grateful



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