powershell - Different time formats in same variable -
i writing script filtering computer accounts in ad. want disable/delete accounts @ least inactive more 90 days . if inactive @ least 90 days should disabled , if inactive more 180 days should deleted
so, dates disabling , deleting
$disbale= (get-date).adddays(-90) $delete = (get-date).adddays(-180)
now loop through given ou , accounts @ least 90 days inactive, therefore inactive more 180 days, too.
$acc = get-adcomputer -filter {lastlogontimestamp -lt $disable)} -properties lastlogontimestamp,description -searchbase "ou=computer,dc=dom,dc=de" -server dom
then put them foreach disbale or delete them
foreach ($pc in $acc) {if($pc.lastlogontimestamp -lt $delete){write-host 'delete'} else {write-host 'disable'}}
but here ran error $pc.lastlogontimestamp
of type [int64] , number of 18 digits , $delete
in format time. why did same comparison above lastlogontimestamp -lt $disable
work , doenst? how can work arround easy?
you should use search-adaccount cmdlet, it's in same active directory module get-adcomputer.
search-adaccount -computersonly -accountinactive -timespan 90.00:00:00 | {$_.enabled} | disable-adaccount search-adaccount -computersonly -accountinactive -timespan 180.00:00:00 | {$_.enabled} | remove-adcomputer
as exact script should change from:
if($pc.lastlogontimestamp -lt $delete)
if([datetime]::fromfiletime($pc.lastlogontimestamp) -lt $delete)
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