unity3d - Google Play Games TurnBased Multiplayer starts without connections -

i trying wrote turnbased multiplayer unity , google play games package. when users sucessfully login on google account , press "start button", i'm trying create turnbased match:

//called 1, 1, 0 params public void startmatch(uint minopponents, uint maxopponents, uint variant) {     playgamesplatform.instance.turnbased.createquickmatch(minopponents, maxopponents, variant, this.onmatchstarted); }  void onmatchstarted(bool success, turnbasedmatch match) {     if (success) {         if (multiplayerhandler == null)             multiplayerhandler = gameobject.find ("multiplayerhandler").getcomponent<multiplayerhandler> ();         multiplayerhandler.startgame ();     } } 

but onmatchstartedmethod calling right after startmatch method. logcat write this:

passing converted match user callback:[turnbasedmatch: mmatchid=chokcqjz2su-ywwqahacgaag____________ardz7pmjjczzwvcb, mdata=, mcanrematch=false, mselfparticipantid=p_1, mparticipants=[participant: 'ololo3994' (id p_1), status=joined, player=[player: 'ololo3994' (id g05345227802167127790)], connected=true], mpendingparticipantid=p_1, mturnstatus=myturn, mmatchstatus=active, mvariant=429467295, mversion=1] 


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