boost msm submachine current_state for accessing sub state -

any idea how, using boost msm 1_60, can current_state(s) of submachine? consider following code, describing outer state machine allows chosing between 2 different traffic lights (standard red, yellow, green 1 , alternating 2 yellow lights instance):

class smbigmom : public msmf::state_machine_def<smbigmom> { public: smbigmom() {};  using initial_state = smselectorstate;  class smlightbase : public msmf::state_machine_def<smlightbase> { public:     smlightbase() {};      using initial_state = basestate;     struct transition_table : mpl::vector<> {}; }; using smbasebackend = msm::back::state_machine<smlightbase>;  class smcommonryg : public smlightbase { public:     smcommonryg() = default;     ~smcommonryg() {};      using initial_state = red; // init state      struct transition_table : mpl::vector<         //         start, event, target, action, guard         msmf::row< red, evnext, redyellow, msmf::none, msmf::none >,         msmf::row< redyellow, evnext, green, msmf::none, msmf::none >,         msmf::row< green, evnext, yellow, msmf::none, msmf::none >,         msmf::row< yellow, evnext, red, msmf::none, msmf::none >     > {}; }; using smcommonrygbackend = msm::back::state_machine<smcommonryg>;  class smyellowalternate : public smlightbase { public:     smyellowalternate() = default;     ~smyellowalternate() {};      using initial_state = yellow; // init state      struct transition_table : mpl::vector<         //         start, event, target, action, guard         msmf::row< yellow, evnext, yellow2, msmf::none, msmf::none >,         msmf::row< yellow2, evnext, yellow, msmf::none, msmf::none >     > {}; }; using smyellowalternatebackend = msm::back::state_machine<smyellowalternate>;  struct transition_table : mpl::vector<     msmf::row< smselectorstate, evselectcommonryg, smcommonrygbackend, msmf::none, msmf::none >,     msmf::row< smselectorstate, evselectyellowalternate, smyellowalternatebackend, msmf::none, msmf::none > > {}; 


using smbackend = msm::back::state_machine<smbigmom>; 

now, can skip ryg via

smbackend osm. osm.process_event(evselectcommonryg()); 

but how can current state of ryg submachine?


returns 1 (as state of outer state machine bigmom...)...

thanks help!

i figured out meanwhile, solution rather simple. just, using functor front end, add action (4th column in row) function called this:

struct submachineaction {   tonext() {};   ~tonext() {};   template<class tfsm, class tevent, class tstatein, class tstateout>   void operator() (const tevent& p_rev, const tfsm& p_rfsm, tstatein&   p_rstatein, tstateout& p_rstateout)   {      std::cout << "substate: " << p_rfsm.current_state()[0] << std::endl;   } }; 

if have several "master" machines running , need know 1 called submachineaction, can define, instance, base front end class additional identifier (string, int, name it) , derive submachines class. then, following thread, can set identifier, can accessed via p_rfsm in above functor: how pass data current boost meta state machine(msm) substate

hope helps else sometime.


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