python - Creating embeddings and training on embeddings using a bigram LSTM model in Tensorflow -
i'm having trouble figuring out how create , train on bigram embeddings lstms in tensorflow.
we given train_data tensor of shape (num_unrollings, batch_size, 27) i.e.
num_unrollingsis total number of batches,
batch_sizeis size of each batch, and
27` size of one-hot-encoded vector characters "a" "z" , including " ".
the lstm takes input single batch @ each time step i.e. takes in tensor of shape (batch_size, 27)
function takes in tensor of shape 27
, returns character represents one-hot-encodings.
what have done far created index lookup each bigram. have total of 27*27 = 729 bigrams (because include " " character). choose represent each bigram vector of log(729) ~ 10 bits.
in end trying make input lstm tensor of shape (batch_size / 2, 10)
. can train on bigrams.
here relevant code:
batch_size=64 num_unrollings=10 num_embeddings = 729 embedding_size = 10 bigram2id = dict() key = "" # build dictionary of bigrams , respective indices: in range(ord('z') - ord('a') + 2): key = chr(97 + i) if (i == 26): key = " " j in range(ord('z')- ord('a') + 2): if j == 26: bigram2id[key + " "] = i*27 + j continue bigram2id[key + chr(97 + j)] = i*27 + j graph = tf.graph() graph.as_default(): # embeddings embeddings = tf.variable(tf.random_uniform([num_embeddings, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0), trainable=false) """ 1) load training data 2) embeddings of data there inputs , labels 3) train """ # load training data, labels both unembedded , embedded data train_data = list() embedded_train_data = list() _ in range(num_unrollings + 1): train_data.append(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size,vocabulary_size])) embedded_train_data.append(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size / 2, embedding_size])) # embeddings training data , labels (make sure set trainable=false) batch_ctr in range(num_unrollings + 1): bigram_ctr in range((batch_size // 2) + 1): # current bigram current_bigram = characters(train_data[batch_ctr][bigram_ctr*2]) + characters(train_data[batch_ctr][bigram_ctr*2 + 1]) # id current_bigram_id = bigram2id[current_bigram] # embedding embedded_bigram = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, embedded_bigram) # add current batch embedded_train_data[batch_ctr][bigram_ctr].append(embedded_bigram)
but right now, getting shape (64, 27) must of rank 1 error , if fix that, not sure whether taking right approach.
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