excel - How to copy and paste rows with filtering and hidden columns? -

i trying copy , paste row in spreadsheet has filtering , hidden columns. reason, when filtering on, excel doesn't copy hidden columns , when paste row, omitting hidden columns.

is there workaround problem? maybe secret shortcut copies cells in selection, including hidden ones?


easy solution here (you loop through sheet , store indexes of hidden columns, think might take more time making copied sheet)

sub copyhiddencolumns()      dim destinationsheet worksheet, tempsheet worksheet, copysheet worksheet     set destinationsheet = thisworkbook.worksheets("destsheet")     set copysheet = thisworkbook.worksheets("copysheet")     copysheet.copy before:=thisworkbook.worksheets(1)     set tempsheet = thisworkbook.worksheets(1)      tempsheet.usedrange.hidden = false     tempsheet.usedrange.copy destination:= destinationsheet.range("a1")     application.displayalerts = false     tempsheet.delete     application.displayalerts = true  end sub 

obviously, can use specified ranges rather usedrange , range("a1"). placed fillers allow code compile


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